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Some work has been carried out under the PCCV programme into a
statistically-valid methodology for designing and constructing
computer vision systems. This is summarized in the following document:
An Empirical Design Methology for the Construction of
Computer Vision Systems: 32pp report, available as PDF (268 Kbytes), PostScript (2.3 Mbytes)
ABSTRACT: The main body of this document covers the
essential foundations of design methodology for machine vision
algorithms, making explicit the links with conven tional statistical
principles. We explain the necessary link between design and testing.
Numerous practical problems in the analysis of noisy data are
addressed while an extensive set of appendices give technical detail
which briefly describe techniques which have been used in computer
vision algori thms to address problems such as error estimation, lack
of data independence and data fusion. The techniques are illustrated
with simple examples. For the particular issue of vision module
construction and testing (which we call technology evaluation) we
provide a flow chart showing how the techniques described in the
appendices can be brought to bear at different s tages of the
algorithm design process. We finish by suggesting the criteria by
which empirical work in this area should be assessed if published
results are to be used by others in the construction of larger
Comments on this document from prominent computer vision
researchers and our responses to them are also
provided so that this work can be set in the context of current
attitudes in the field of computer vision.